The problem that sinks many projects is the lack of an efficient project management methodology. Applying a methodology that allows for taking advantage of what has been learned in other projects provides opportunity for improvement in the future, it optimizes coordination among staff and enhances communication between you and your construction team.
Regardless of how complex the project are, all projects go through six phases:
1. Preparation – The team must weigh the tasks that must get accomplished and give priority to items with the greatest impact on the project. The team must implement a strategy that has been coordinated with all concerned always keeping in mind the resources that are available to each and every team member involved. Preparation provides bench marks to gauge the progress of any project and gives you talking points for all the team members during the course of the project.
2. Defining Task – Each of your team members should have a clear vision of what is expected of them and clear path to success by using bench marks. Accomplishing those bench marks, that you are expecting them to achieve, is only accomplished if they become part of the thought process beforehand. The defined task should be detailed leaving no stone un-turned and to one’s imagination.
3. Planning – Planning is essential for any successful project. Proper planning spells out how, when and who is responsible. Planning must incorporate but are not limited to these facts in your overall goals:
• Breaking the project down into manageable pieces.
• Coming up with a quality control plan.
• Creating schedules and diagram that illustrates the significance of each task.
• Estimating the duration, cost and resources necessary for each task.
• Planning a critical path that will determine the total duration of the project
• Preparing detailed budgets to which you expect your team realize.
• Establishing milestones that will serve as benchmarks at which to stop and take stock of how the project is proceeding.
Detailed planning is compulsory in order to accomplish a successful project and cooperation by all is, imperative!
4. Execution & Monitoring – The resources required, for any successful project, must be appropriately implemented to execute the tasks assigned. Regular staff meetings are required so that all concerned have a clear vision of what is ahead of them, to anticipate any issues in the foreseeable future, and to ensure the integrity of the schedule. The goal of monitoring is detect schedule, cost or specification deviations in time to react. If variations are detected, one must evaluate them to decide if it is possible to stick with the original plan. If project goals must be changed to fit the current condition access what changes will be required to stay on time, on budget and implement them immediately.
5. Finalization ‐ Before considering a project to be complete and move to the next one, a thorough review of the results should be done and compared with the previously agreed goals. It is best to summarize the lessons learned as soon as possible with the entire team involved in order to use them on future project as, lessons learned.
6. Accomplishments and Team Work ‐ It is always a good idea to celebrate a project's completion its success and lessons learned. It serves as motivation for all involved and creates an atmosphere of accomplishment and team work.